Displayed at the October show: Alight on a Rocky Shore: Joanne Tarlin, Underwater Fantasy: Ocean Cooling, 30 x 30 in., oil on linen.
The Midcoast Chapter has a combined zoom and in-person meeting set for 11:30 a.m. at the Belfast Public Library, 106 High St., on Saturday 13 January. On the agenda will be reports from members on exhibit venues for 2024. Those attending are asked to bring their own brown bag lunches and drinks. The official business will be brief and members are encouraged to bring an art piece to show and get feedback.
December’s Holiday Fair at the Rockland American Legion was not as lucrative as was hoped, and that venue will be crossed off the books for next year.
UMVA Midcoast Chapter Update Fall 2023
In November, Linda Leach presented an “explosion book” workshop at the Camden Public Library. It is a handmade small square book, which “explodes” into a series of square and triangular pages when you open it up. Over a dozen people attended.
4 x 6 was the name of the invitational exhibit at the Blue Hill Public Library featuring four works by six artists chosen by Janelle Delicata. The artists were Kelly Desrosiers (Unity), Janelle Delicata (Blue Hill), Jane Gilbert (Orland), Elisabeth Goodridge (Appleton), Marjorie Strauss (Rockland), and Deb Vendetti (Hope).
Four different UMVA Midcoast artists were at the American Legion Holiday Fair in Rockland. Participating artists included Ann Tracy, Donald Patten, Sue Garrett, and Robin Macintosh.
Image at top: Emily Sabino showing her work, Awakening the Inner Muse, at the 22 October Midcoast member meeting.