Do you take the macro or micro as the source, starting big or starting small, then narrowing down or opening up? Or do you allude to both the infinite and miniscule simultaneously to establish connections? This issue on Macro/Micro will examine the fundamental links between the very small and the very large.
Think about artists who take a macro view conceptually, connecting to big ideas and issues, be they global or universal.
Do you take an overview or delve into one specific image, idea, or concept and examine it in detail or repeatedly? Does your artistic process originate with an overview and then narrow down, or vice versa?
Over the years, Maine artists have explored a range of subjects; from intimate close-ups of bird’s eyes which bring us to universal spiritual connections; obsessive examination of phenomena through small repeated actions or objects; or planetary tabulations, expansive atmospheric landscapes that zero in on a target; obsessed over personal objects, the flotsam and jetsam of one’s grandmother, father, family.
Consider the very big and the very small: aerial views or views through magnification, from your own imagination or chanced upon with found objects, in landscapes or interiors.
Art is a visual way of thinking that sometimes produces new literary connections. With this expansive language we can allude to microscopic images, cosmic views, or find a personal connection to the global.
Share with us your points of departure or where you arrive, let us see the world through your mind’s eye.

Leonardo da Vinci, A town at the Center of a Cloudburst, black chalk on paper, Windsor Castle, 163 x 210 mm, ca. 1508-1511
Journal Submission guidelines for UMVA Members Showcase:
Deadline: March 1st, 2020
- We invite MAJ member artists (not a member? JOIN by clicking here) to submit up to 4 JPEG or png images (NO TIFF files), approximately 2800 pixels on width, resolution 72dpi.
Include an image list and statement or brief essay in Word doc. format, NOT a PDF.
Label each image file as follows: your last name_Number of Image_Title (with no spaces in the title). Please DO NOT put whole caption/credit in image file label, see image list/caption format below (if you are submitting for a group put your own last name in first).
Label your document file names: Last Name_Title
Image list/caption format: create a list that is numbered to match the number in your image file label that includes the following: Artist’s Name, Title of Work, medium, size (example: 9 x 12 in.), date (optional), photo credit (example: photo: Ansel Adams) if not included we assume it is courtesy of the artist. Example: Unknown Artist, Untitled, oil on canvas, 9 × 12 in., 2000 (photo: Ansel Adams).
Please wait until all of your material is compiled to submit.
Put “Macro/Micro” in the subject line and submit by email to by the March 1st deadline. MAJ will limit the “Members’ Showcase” section to UMVA members who have not been published in the past year.
We are no longer able to accommodate artists’ pre-formatted visual essays. Our editors will lay-out text and images submitted using the new guidelines above.
It is the MAJ’s policy to request and then publish image credits. We will not publish images the submitter does not have the right to publish. However, it is to be assumed that any uncredited or unlabeled images are the author’s/submitter’s own images. By submitting to the MAJ, you are acknowledging respect for these policies.
Thank you,
MAJ Editorial Board
Natasha Mayers, Nora Tryon, Véronique Plesch, Kathy Weinberg, and Betsy Sholl (poetry editor)
(Image at top: Paul Plante ( 1943–2016), Common Grackle, pastel on paper, 4 1/4 x 4 1/4 in., January 18, 2005.)

Hyman Bloom, Archaeological Treasure, oil on canvas, 1947, photo by K.Weinberg from 2019 MFA Boston exhibit: Matters of Life and Death