ARRT! The Artists’ Rapid Response Team (ARRT!) is a project of the Union of Maine Visual Artists. The ARRTists are members of the UMVA who collaborate with progressive organizations throughout Maine to create “visual soundbites,” frequently in the form of banners, to be used to draw attention to important issues. ARRT! is grateful for the support of the UMVA and a donor advised fund of the Maine Community Foundation.
Spring 2022 has been a tumultuous time. ARRT! has been working to support organizations and activists who have felt called to act. Below are some images of the resulting banners and events.
Youthful activists are often leading the way for environmental and social action. The group Third Act Maine, as the banner suggests, is made up of older activists who are in full support of youth leadership and seek to support them in every way.

Governor Mills speaking in front of ARRT! banner at Bans Off Our Bodies rally in Bangor in May 2022.
ARRT! welcomes artists, community members, and activists to join in on issues that can make a difference for the people of Maine. We meet monthly to gather for paint sessions at the Merrymeeting Grange Hall, 27 Main St. in Bowdoinham. The Bowdoinham Historical Society is our gracious host. Check out the ARRT! website for contact info and updates.
Image at top: ARRT! End War or We Die banner.