Amazingly the Summer of 2019 is already over, but it has been an active summer for the UMVA. The new UMVA website

has launched and will help support and grow our efforts. Make sure to check it out and spread the word. The Portland Chapter meetings this summer have been bursting with energy and frequently have more than 20 members in attendance. Over a dozen impressive submissions for potential art shows at UMVA Gallery for 2020 are in and will be decided and finalized in November.

On a sad note, we have to say good-bye to the UMVA-LA (Lewiston/Auburn) Chapter, as they have made the decision to disband this month. A gigantic thank you to Grayling Cunningham, Melanie Therrien, Sheri Withers Hollenbeck, and Kate Cargile for the amazing work and time they put into running the chapter over the past three years. With the transition, it is a great time to make a call for new artists and volunteers and encourage memberships. Consider getting more involved in your area and starting your own UMVA chapter if there is not currently one in your community. I am really proud of the current UMVA board for their leadership, passion and ongoing hard work. The artists and creative individuals in Maine continually inspire me, which is exemplified by the projects of the UMVA: ARRT!, LumenARRT!, Maine Masters, Maine Arts Journal, and the UMVA Gallery. I am honored to serve UMVA in a leadership role. It is an exciting time to be a member of the UMVA.

William Hessian

UMVA acting President