I do not do politics, but I do practice art. My artistic creation is both poetic and social. I create because I dream. I believe things move only if we dream. But it is not just works of art that create change; change is created by the reflections, questions, and emotions that art arouse.

Titi de Baccarat, “United Nations Organization”, newspaper, fabric , mirror and sponge, 2010, 25”x25”

Titi de Baccarat, “Immigration Is Not a Color”, dust of wood, leather, mattress, mirror and spray paint, 2016, 25”x25”, photo by Kyle Dubay
In this time of globalization that is weakening some of the world’s population, there are more than 60 million refugees in the world. Men, women, and children have fled their countries due to economic crisis or war. Meanwhile, governments cannot find solutions to welcome those fleeing and restore their human dignity. It is in these most critical moments that I create and invent new artistic forms. I create art to challenge, to create awareness, and to stimulate both reflection and dialogue on political and humanitarian issues. My hope, above all, is to touch the hearts of people in a sensitive and emotional manner.
In Africa, my art described the history of the Black Continent.

Titi de Baccarat, “Our Trees, Our Lives”, dust of wood and roots of tree and bark, 2016, 27”x39”, photo by Kyle Dubay
I channeled my experiences of democracy, promoting a culture of peace and solidarity, and denouncing armed conflict and war which have claimed millions of lives in Africa.

Titi de Baccarat, “Mvett”, branches of trees, leather, wood, fabric and mirror, 2016, photo by Kyle Dubay
In the USA, my collections of ethnic jewelry and paintings made with various materials—leather, wood, and assorted metals—celebrate the beauty and struggle of peoples around the world standing to face their oppressors.
My collection of clothing for men and women, inspired by the concept of conjoined twins, consists of 27 designs focused on solidarity and humanity. I experiment with recycled materials, along with a coded language , with the aim of suggesting a more open attitude to the potential of these materials that overflow into our garbage and into our lives.
Are our lives not considered waste in the eyes of some?

Titi de Baccarat, “Message of Hope During War”, mirror, leather, mattress, dust of wood and acrylic, 2016, 25″x25″, photo by Kyle Dubay
Titi De Baccarat is an artist who possesses many facets at once: painter, sculptor, jeweler, clothing designer, and writer. Dedicated to justice in a hostile political context, he was forced to flee his country, Gabon, with only the wealth of his artistic ability. He has lived in Portland since February 2015, and is working through his African identity and artistic expertise to contribute to the culture of the city.