Maine Arts Journal Spring 2023: Truths and Lies.Archive

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The Maine Arts Journal: UMVA Quarterly


Truths and Lies


Spring 2023


In this issue of the Maine Arts Journal, contributors think about truths and lies, reflecting upon the ways in which they engage with them in their life and in their art.

From the Editors: Natasha Mayers, Nora Tryon, Véronique Plesch, Betsy Sholl (poetry editor), with the help of Colby interns Audrey Loo and Mads McDonough.

The Union of Maine Visual Arts is proud to produce the Maine Arts Journal, with generous contributions from the Rabkin Foundation and other donors. The MAJ helps us promote and advocate for the visual arts, artists, and all arts supporters. Learn more and become a UMVA member here.


Maine Arts Journal Spring 2023 cover
(Sam Onche, Scream, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 36 in., 2022).

Véronique Plesch  – Josefina Auslender’s Truths

Véronique Plesch – Josefina Auslender’s Truths

In 1976, Josefina Auslender was working on a series of graphite drawings titled La Ciudad (The City), inspired by her native Buenos Aires. In the statement she wrote for her show last summer at Sarah Bouchard Gallery, she recounts how, suddenly and in spite of...

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Kenny Cole

Kenny Cole

The Maine Arts Journal’s theme of “Truths and Lies” aligns with my personal interest in social justice. For me, seeking the “Truth,” in the context of social activism, becomes a task of exposing suppressed narratives. A lie, for me, is a deliberate, knowing,...

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Sam Onche – Truth and Lies

Sam Onche – Truth and Lies

My name is Sam Onche, I am a painter and illustrator from Benue state, Nigeria, and currently based in Chicago. I graduated from Colby College with a major in studio art and a focus in painting. Before coming to the United States, I lived most of my life in Nigeria...

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Bevin Engman

Bevin Engman

On 25 May 2020, George Floyd was murdered by police. When something so brutal occurs we often hear it condemned as “un-American.” What does that mean? People flooded into the streets all summer to protest. Conspiracy theories coming from social media and the White...

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Véronique Plesch – Artful Lies

Véronique Plesch – Artful Lies

Treacherous Images A straight-forward image of a pipe, painted in a dispassionate, even anonymous manner—no visible brushwork to betray the individual behind this image. Against a blank background, the mundane object is carefully observed, its shape and details...

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Stuart Kestenbaum – Telling the Truth

Stuart Kestenbaum – Telling the Truth

I once attended a talk by the late novelist and editor Helen Yglesias. She was reading from her novel Family Feeling (Doubleday, 1976), and began by saying that the book was about her family, but that it was a work of fiction. She described the difference between...

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Robert Shetterly – Truth & Vengeance

Robert Shetterly – Truth & Vengeance

In the late 1960s, when I was a college student, I went to a teach-in at the Brattle Theater just off Harvard Square. It was 1967, I think, in the winter, at night, standing-room only. The speakers were activist writer Noam Chomsky from MIT, historian Howard Zinn from...

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Susan Cook – Poetry

Susan Cook – Poetry

In this poem of grief, Susan Cook explores loss and the way everything present can remind us of the loved one who is missing. “Behind everything there is always something more” reminds us that truth is layered, complex. Digging to China is both a metaphor for...

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Bill Schulz – Poetry

Bill Schulz – Poetry

There are questions of truth and falsehood in the external social world, and there are questions in our more personal or internal worlds. Are we dogs or wolves, companions or predators, and do we even know, are we both? “Dog or Wolf” is the title poem of Bill Schulz’s...

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Linda Buckmaster  –  Poetry

Linda Buckmaster – Poetry

Truth and lies—in this poem by Linda Buckmaster the emotions fly so quickly (snarl red / shadow red / shame red) it’s hard to tell where truth resides. Or maybe truth is all in the movement, not in the settling down. In human relationships it’s so slippery:...

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ARRT! Update – Spring 2023

ARRT! Update – Spring 2023

ARRT! works with progressive groups and organizations throughout Maine, providing images that can help to distill and clarify their important messages about issues that matter to people in Maine and the world beyond our borders.   ARRTists  have been working hard...

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UMVA Portland Chapter Report – Spring 2023

UMVA Portland Chapter Report – Spring 2023

New Members Greeted the New Year in Portland New UMVA members, Nathan Meyer of Brunswick and Nancy Grice of Harpswell, filled the space with color and drama in January. In his exhibition, Black Fawn: A Photographic Folktale, Nathan described Black Fawn as “a foray...

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UMVA Midcoast Chapter Report – Spring 2023

UMVA Midcoast Chapter Report – Spring 2023

After two shows in January—one at the Camden Public Library and another at Waterfall Arts in Belfast, which went on into February—it’s hiatus time until our next chapter meeting on Wednesday 5 April 2023 at 4:30 p.m. on Zoom. In the meantime, members can post...

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