LumenARRT! is a project of the Artists Rapid Response Team (ARRT!). We work through the Union of Maine Visual Artists (UMVA), a members’ organization that advocates for artists and furthers the work of progressive non-profits in the state of Maine. Our video projections create a visual voice for these organizations and, like electronic graffiti, bring awareness to social, economic, and environmental justice issues.
Projections on Congress St. sounding the alarm about the endangered right whales by Lumenarrtists and Mainers Guarding Right Whales (photo: Dave Wade).
December Artwalk in Monument Square, Lumenarrtists and Mainers Guarding Right Whales projected on the Portland Public Library (photo: Dave Wade).
At December’s Art Walk in Portland, LumenARRT! lit up the Portland Public Library (thanks!) and a wall on Congress Street in collaboration with Mainers Guarding Right Whales. We want to help create the public will that will see subsidies for lobstermen, so they can change over to whale-safe traps. It’s a lot to expect fishermen to bear the brunt of the changes necessary to save this critically endangered species (only 336 left) . . . so let’s all work to help!
For more information on North Atlantic Right Whales, you can consult the Mainers Guarding Right Whales.
On another environmental front this past fall LumenARRT! went “virtual” at the LUPC office in Augusta, hoping people would write them during the public comment period before their decision. Wolfden ended up withdrawing their application! Check out the video above.
Voting rights, women’s rights, and so many other issues have been spotlighted by LumenARRT! activists. More to come.
Image at top: We Can Save the Whales projection at Portland’s December Art Walk (photo: Dave Wade).