LumenARRT! is a project of the Artists Rapid Response Team (ARRT!). We work through the Union of Maine Visual Artists (UMVA), a members’ organization that advocates for artists and furthers the work of progressive non-profits in the state of Maine. Our video projections create a visual voice for these organizations and like electronic graffiti, bring awareness to issues of social, political and environmental justice.
One of our recent video projections was at the Camden Post Office on September 5th. We partnered with Midcoast Maine Indivisible and the League of Women Voters of Maine to SUPPORT THE POST OFFICE/SAVE THE VOTE! Stay tuned on LumenARRT!’s Facebook page, for virtual projections, perhaps on a Maine Post Office near you.

Sidewalk chalk message created during the Save the USPS/Save the Vote rally in Camden on Labor Day weekend.
This summer LumenARRT! created an on-site projection project to highlight the efforts of the Penobscot Nation to remove the Bangor memorial to Portuguese explorer Estevan Gomez.
It’s time to face the deep systemic racism that led us to memorialize slave traders. Face the truth, tell the truth: we are all standing on stolen land.The monument was put there in 1999 to honor Gomez, but doesn’t take into account that he abducted Native Americans to sell into slavery. Monuments should honor people we want our children to emulate. All our children. How about honoring a Penobscot with a monument?
This belongs in a museum where all sides of history can be told. History is not just the story of conquerors.