ARRT! The Artists Rapid Response Team (ARRT!) is a project of the Union of Maine Visual Artists. The ARRTists are members of the UMVA who collaborate with progressive organizations throughout Maine to create “visual soundbites,” frequently in the form of banners, to be used to draw attention to important issues. ARRT! is grateful for the support of the UMVA and the Broad Reach Fund of the Maine Community Foundation.
ARRT! has collaborated with many groups this winter including Maine Prisoner Re-Entry Network; Bridging the Gap, a community initiative of Emmanuel Lutheran Episcopal Church and a partner program of the United Way of Kennebec Valley; and Presente!, which represents Latinos in the Portland area.

ARRT!, banner Whole Families Go To Prison. Rose’s Room groups meet to help families and friends deal with the effects of having incarcerated loved ones.
Recently, ARRT! has held painting sessions at the Merrymeeting Grange Hall in Bowdoinham. Many thanks to Betsy Steen and the Bowdoinham Historical Society for hosting. Most recently, the walls were hung with historic clothes, a great atmosphere to paint in, and the monthly brunch was held downstairs, so it was a lively happening day.
ARRT! had a session with the organizers/supporters of the Women’s March which took place in Portland on January 18th, helping them create 9 banners to represent the 9 unity principles, held on poles 8 feet tall, above people’s heads in the march. Our painting took place in a spectacular Maine College of Art studio.
ARRT! is very proud of one of our youngest ARRT! members, Anna Siegel. Don’t miss watching her TED talk: