ARRT! works with progressive groups and organizations throughout Maine, providing images that can help to distill and clarify their important messages about issues that matter to people in Maine and the world beyond our borders.
On 23 April in Belfast ARRT! team members held a community ARRT! build at Waterfall Arts, working with people of all ages to make climate change awareness yard signs.
This quarter, since the last publication of the Maine Arts Journal, ARRTists have been creating in a variety of media and places. Initially for the annual Whitefield Fourth of July parade, ARRT! members helped construct props, sew costumes, paint signs and banners for the 2022 theme of Worshiping the Golden Gun.
The players and all their pageantry were again welcomed by the Old Hallowell Day parade later in July.

ARRT! props and banners in action in Hallowell at the Old Hallowell Day parade (photo: Dave Dostie).
In Bowdoinham at ARRT!’s September paint session three banners were designed and completed while others were repurposed for current use. A fourth banner was begun for ILAP (Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project) as an interactive project for their upcoming Fall Event. We will display final images of it in our Winter Update. One of the completed banners will be used by the Sierra Club and others who are defending Sears Island from a proposed development of a hub for building and launching offshore wind turbines. The hub would destroy the island’s ecological, recreational and economic value, while Mack Point, an industrial site for more than a century, is a feasible option nearby.

ARRT! banner for the Sierra Club and other groups fighting to defend Sears Island, painted in September.

An old favorite ARRT! banner was repurposed for Portland’s upcoming vote on a clean elections measure.
Several members of Maine Youth Action (MYA) joined ARRT! to work on a banner for use in their Common Ground Fair booth and future actions.
And finally, a banner listing America’s wars to be used by peace groups in Maine, after its first use at a vigil at Bath Iron Works.
LumenARRT! will be projecting Get out the Vote and Support Women’s Choice images and words in Portland for First Friday, 7 October 2022. We will be working with the League of Women Voters and the Clean Election Campaign folks. Come join us on Congress Street!
ARRT! The Artists’ Rapid Response Team (ARRT!) is a project of the Union of Maine Visual Artists. ARRT! is grateful for the support of the UMVA and a donor advised fund of the Maine Community Foundation.
Image at top: ARRT! props and banners at the Old Hallowell Day parade (photo: Dave Dostie).