Carlo Pittore brought us all together again (posthumously) as the fiftieth year of the UMVA turned. Vice president Joanne Tarlin’s member survey last year told the board that at the very top of the list of members’ hopes and desires was renewed camaraderie. The Gala at Bowdoinham’s Merrymeeting Hall on 3 August answered our members’ hopes.
With over sixty artists participating in the silent art auction at the Gala, this creative event brought in needed funds to create and support our new website and it gave the artists a wonderful chance to mix and mingle. Being able to put faces to the emails that we send around was so much fun, not to mention seeing some of the most wonderful costumes. And there was even a photo project going on that evening: member Mary Weiss had found a stuffed cat at an antique shop and decided that not only would she attend as a Miserable Childless Cat Lady, laughing all the way, but took photos of others with the cat.
The crowd was estimated at over a hundred UMVA members gathered in Bowdoinham (home to Carlo). Stephanie Rudloe, granddaughter of Carlo’s closest companion Priscilla Alden Berry, organized the art auction. Susie Drucker and Hank Ogilby were our members on the ground in Bowdoinham organizing the setup. Emily Sabino’s pearly chords emceed the night. Susie, Hank, Joanne Tarlin, Av Melnick, Ann Tracy, David Estey, Judy Greene-Janse, Amy Bellezza (apologies to any I left out!) transported and mounted members’ works in what turned out to be a pretty spectacular show. Boy, do we have a lot of talent amongst us! And the band, BookHead Sweet Tooth was spectacular, even without our own Al Crichton (saxophonist) present due to COVID.
New member Wimberley Burton was invaluable in guiding us through a legal maze to make sure we had the right insurance and permits for the event—thanks so much. A big shout-out to board member Barbara Sullivan who cooked a boatload of chicken for the potluck and all those who contributed such yummy dishes. It was a feast!
Bravo to David Brooks who donated all the seltzer and manned the bar with Hank. Susie, Hank, Ann, and Richard took down the show the next day. If there was anything that could have been improved, it would have been to better predict the complexity of taking down the show and distributing unsold work back to the artists, and sold work to the high auction bidders. If any artist still hasn’t had the chance to pick up their work or have it returned, please let Richard know.

Janice L Moore and Anthony Anderson, editor of Maine Gallery + Studio Guide, a UMVA sponsor (photo: Ann Tracy).
Special thanks to our wonderful sponsors: The Maine Gallery + Studio Guide, Rising Tide Brewery, and WERU Community Radio.
Image at top: Rumored to be Peter Bals with ARRT! banner in background (photo: Ann Tracy).